Haziel Mota: Benefits of TAFE

So TAFE, I believe that one of the things that I like extremely obsessed with is the amount of community service and how we help students engage with the community and the people around them. I think it is a great opportunity as well to form relationships, create friendships, you know, open more doors to yourself and like the people around you for the community service. Back in January, when the whole thing was starting, we were hit with a power outage food water power because there was a winter storm here in Laredo. So everything was really scars. A lot of people were going to be, you know, buying everything they needed, like just so that they could stack up because we didn’t know how long it was going to last. And luckily, since I’m from out of town and I come to you, I get to stay in the dorms and me and my roommates are also flamenco pass. So, you know, we were like, You know what? We have the food, we have the resources, we have a stove, we have light. Why not use what we have and ask people for donations to see if they want to be a part of it and give it to those people who are in need? And I feel like that’s where the whole community service, you know, like it grew and it began. And it’s just amazing because so many people despite, you know, the out the the power water, everything shortage like people were willing to donate to give. So we took up on that. We posted it on the Tammy Student Network. We received a massive amount of donations, so we gathered perishable foods. We cooked meals, jackets, blankets, mittens and we gave out to those individuals who were in need. And for TAFE, like, you know, we pulled that in and brought it and we gave it a name, and it’s called full hearts and full bellies that we hope to continue to expand in throughout, throughout the semesters here in TAMIU. And basically what we do is after like expanding this, it’s receiving donations from people involving not only our members from Tuffy, but also allowing people from the community and allowing students from the whole university to be a part of it to donate. We offer them community service hours, even with donations. So I feel like this helps all of us, you know, gather together and give back to the community that gives us that. So for me, it goes back to that. Like this community, Laredo is like my home away from home. So why not give back to the place that I’m staying in that I’m benefiting from, whether it be the city, whether it be the school, you know, things like that, my peers. So I think that’s that’s something that I really, really love about our organization. Like we get to connect and as well as I like creating those friendships, you know, like those peers opening those doors. So I think that’s one of the great things that TAFE offers to not only the students here, but the university as a whole

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