Stephanie Bain: AVID Training for TAMIU Faculty

Well. At Tim, are you currently with a teacher prep initiative? We are focusing on our College of ED faculty initially, once we are all trained. This will be phase one. So we’ve divided up right now is is year zero. We’re just getting going this summer, still years zero and then year one starts in the fall of 2022. So we’re going to be tracking like this is just all the prep work, all the homework. And then we’re going to be tracking our our success over the next three to five years, first year, getting our faculty college of ED Faculty streamlined. Beginning to develop those relationships with avid and the local districts, and then something that we’ve talked about is offering and reaching out once we all become trained, we faculty in college. We then become once you get a certain amount of training. I am a trainer of trainers, so anybody that comes through my training, if I’m conducting does get an avid for higher ED certification that they’ve completed the training. So what we want to do is have more faculty in the College of ED so than those seeds can be planted. And then we can go out to the different colleges here on campus as well and offer at A&M Kingsville. That’s what happened. And with many districts, although all of our College of ED faculty will be trained and certified. Not everybody will be certified trainer of trainers, but you will come to the training and you will have that certificate so you will be trained in culturally relevant teaching, writing, reading, writing, inquiry, collaboration. Each one of these is their own training. And then we also offer behavioral management courses. That’s always a pretty popular one when it’s opened up to all faculty, but something great that that has been proven. And what? What I saw when I was that Kingsville is that we did not see we they were not required faculty, all college faculty. We’re not required to come. But you saw them coming. And that’s where you start seeing the seeds grow. And that’s what we want. We want it to be infused. That’s that’s really what this is about. This is infusing not only in our college, but our community and our eyes, DS and the other colleges on campus . Then we’re able to collaborate with other institutions. So we’re an avid for higher ed campus now. But we’re also going to be working with other community colleges, vocational schools and even the military has joined this this cohort of post-secondary support system. So there’s a lot of things going on. We certainly want to take care of our students everywhere. And I believe that once we become infused with Alvin and our College of Ed, it’s just going to trickle out to to the other colleges on campus and it’s just going to grow from there. I know it. I’ve seen it. So we’re very excited and we have administrative support. I know that that seems. Oh, of course, who wouldn’t want, you know, this support system, but many times I think that administrators are already overwhelmed. Faculty are already overwhelmed. But what I have seen since I’ve been here at A&M International is that everybody is so welcoming and just excited about helping their students and growing. There and not just, oh, it’s about growth and no like growing our students as individuals and growing our faculty, as individuals, growing our staff, as individuals and reaching out to our community community is huge and it’s so important and and we really want to distinguish ourselves because whatever anybody thinks of whatever college, right? I think a lot of times you want to put this in there. But when you hear an A&M system, you think a college station. And so when you begin to hear that diversity of the A&M system school, you’re like, Man, that’s pretty cool. You know, they’re they’re they’re in the radar. Whatever you hear on TV is is not what we are here. And so many times in the news, yeah, that’s important, you know? Yet, you know, you know, your report. But what about all these other amazing things? And that’s what we want to we want to just we know how amazing our students are. We know the amazing things that are going on. But we also want people to say, Oh, yeah, you know, they’re an example in that. Now let’s go and learn from them. And so we want to open up, especially round year three. We want other campuses and institutions to come to our campus and see what we’re doing because we are helping our students. We are passionate about it and maybe we can give some of that passion to others that, you know, have kind of lost lost their drive. Or maybe it’s just that faculty member that’s lost their drive. So it’s it’s very important for us as all faculty on our campus. It’s very important for them to have accessibility and we have a wonderful professional development program here. I’ll have to check for that. I think it’s under the associate provost or one of those. I’m so sorry. It’s the professional workshops. All they do is professional workshops for quality mentors and for our online, our technology department as their professional development. So there are so many professional development opportunities here on campus. We also have a Q training. I don’t know if you’ve heard about that yet. It’s another form of professional development. It’s the professional development, it’s all online. But this is. I wish I could remember what the acronym stands for, but my brain is gone. I know you don’t go that far. It’s going to be like this. It’s going to be right here. But there are just so many professional development opportunities. And what we really wanted to do was tailor something to the college because we’re so busy. And but I have seen how successful it is when when you have student success as well, we have wonderful student success. So is this is our own building here is kind of fabulous. So so this is something that is a need here, and I’m really excited about seeing this grow because I know it will and I know we’re doing amazing things. But but one of the things that I’m going to be doing next semester is teaching one of those introductory courses. So get my students and just say, Hey, this is what it is, but it can also be fun, and it’s rewarding as tough being a teacher. By Christmas, you’re like, Man, it’s just halfway. I feel like I’ve already done three years with this same class. But but in the end, it’s worth it. That’s what keeps you going when you see them succeed and you’re like, Man, you know what? Now they’re out and they have their own families, their own families. And it’s it’s just very exciting. I know I keep saying I’ve probably not seen it. Probably. She found another word.

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