Amy Campos: Mentors and Role Models

I think it would be my grandpa with my mom’s side. He tells me stories or he has an education, but in Mexico, and he told me he was. He’s an. I don’t know how to translate into English, but he something to do with agriculture. But with his experience, he was able to become like a director in sort of like vocational school in Mexico. And he would tell me all these stories how when he was very young, he had to like walk across campus to work, to just get materials for school because his parents were extremely, extremely wealthy. And he told me how he had to sometimes. Not like you wouldn’t even you would see his mom say, like, Oh, I’m not hungry, you can eat it, Alex, stuff like that, you know, and sometimes it’s not that it’s not the same as my story. But those are the things that I’m like, Oh, there’s a connection. You know, he would tell me the stories of how he in order for him to even get an education, he had to leave his town or his ranch or us, as we see it in Mexico and how it was extremely hard because he was so he was so close to his mom in how he would as a 25 year old, men would cry because he was, let alone in this world where all he knew what to do with being in the ranch, you know? And I think he was able to from becoming a specialist in agriculture to a director and a vocation, of course. And I think about all the sacrifices in other of the various barriers. I’m sorry that he had to face in there. And it’s a connection that I grow with him, you know, and I’m forward and pull for him as well, because because of him, we were able to be in this country, you know, where we have a lot of opportunities and stuff like that.

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