Haziel Mota: Her Story and Experiences with TAFE

My name is Haziel Mota. I’m the Vice President for TAFE and currently a senior here at TAMIU, studying education and Spanish. I want to teach at the high school level. We have grown a lot as an organization and have worked on many projects. Right now, we are preparing for competition and have opened up many opportunities for our members to experience the teaching field. We participate in Junior Achievement and do a lot of community service. Just last year, we placed at Nationals with our community service project, “Full Hearts and Full Bellies.” This project focused on the Kumari story, promoting hope for a better tomorrow and providing for the needs of citizens and homeless individuals in Laredo to let them know they are not alone.


Regarding my education, adjusting and adapting has been challenging, especially as a first-generation student. Navigating college for the first time can be overwhelming, as you don’t have the guidance or example to rely on. Figuring out things like FAFSA and applying for scholarships has been difficult. However, I appreciate what TAFE, Dr. O’Meara, and our advisers have done. They have worked hand in hand with us, providing resources, laying out opportunities, and connecting us with the right people. This support has been invaluable.


One of the biggest challenges has been adapting and navigating the college transition, but we have had a lot of support from peers who have guided us along the way.


Regarding my future as an educator, my teaching philosophy is centered on giving back and learning from my students. High school is a critical time when students are figuring out who they are and what they want to do. As an educator, I want to help them see that they have the means to succeed, regardless of their background. I am excited to make a positive impact on high school students and hope to continue my education to earn a master’s and doctorate. Eventually, I aspire to open a school or program in Africa, helping students there while fostering mutual learning and support.

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