Crystal Beltran: Role Model

My role model is my big sister, Claudia, and she has always been a role model for me because of the fact that many people have said that she will, one because she is an educator. And that’s what I want to do. That’s what I want to be. She has been my role model in that aspect because she’s done a lot of things that overcame. What other people have doubted her for? And I love that about her, that she prove people wrong and she did everything the right way. She graduated from the university and she is a very big support system in my life. She supports me in all my decisions, and she tells me like, Are you sure this what you want to do or you think about it this and they’re like, you know, and she’s a big role model to me, just as my mom and dad as well, like my, my family’s, my role model. And it’s more like they are role models to me because they support me and what I do, but mainly my big sister, because I mean, this is what I think of my role model was like, I want to be like her being educator, get my bachelor’s, but I want to be better than her. You know, like, that’s the point of a role model. You there, you’re a role model because you look up to them, but you want to become better than your role models. So that’s my goal. I want to get my bachelor’s in education, but I want to get my master’s in administration and educational setting right to become a principal. And I tell her, I’m like, You’re my role model and I look up to you and I thank you so much like for always being there for me and like helping me out and stuff and being like those ears that I needed. I like in a sister setting, but in a teacher setting as well, you know, being very academic with me when I needed help with an essay, ask you and you being very straightforward and to learn, and I thank you so much. You’re my role model. But I want to be better than you. I’m going to be better than you because you have made me strive to be better and strive me to be even more than what my expectations are exceed my expectations. And that’s what I want to do. And my mom says, Are you? Do you do that? And are you be that role model to my nephew and nieces in that aspect or my future kids? And I was like, Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and do that and as well as be better and always have that support system for family and as well become a role model to the young, the younger generation of my family. Yeah.

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