Seth Sampson: University Supports

Well, one, any type of student organization that exists on the university campus needs to go through the student orientation leadership engagement office or the sole office, and they have to go through the bylaws and the procedures of establishing a new student organization. And they’re a very supportive entity on campus. They really set up student organizations to be successful. You create officers. And a caveat to that is this The need to Gaza created a new student organization chapter guideline book manual of how to create a new chapter. And we were developing an actual collegiate chapter manual before passing. But that was something that in correlation with the sole office, we were trying to build that solid foundation of the student organization, and they had to create a constitution for the organization. Meeting minutes, agendas and also they have to have officers. They have to have the officers be not necessarily elected, but they have to be in a position that. Are forming an organization that’s going to essentially be something that the university can kind of mirror for different student organizations and then each organization, like I said, has a faculty advisor and that’s where I came in. The dean kind of asked if I can be the faculty advisor because there’s a big push in K through twelve or in education in general for social emotional learning, which I’m very passionate about myself and I try to instill the the subject areas of school counseling and having them be facilitators of social emotional learning to help spread that wealth in terms of mental and emotional well-being so they can train teachers. So now in that regard, I’m having some of my graduate students trained some of the teachers candidates or the TAFE members. And then they can use that the tapping members can use that when they’re going out in the classroom. So they’re already getting used to using that social, emotional learning to increase their capacity of empathy, right? Or different types of things. In doing that, the majority of the tapping members are going into elementary ED. So they’re doing that at a younger age. And hopefully this is going to create a domino effect for individuals who are already in the harness that power of empathy for others at an early age, and it’s hopefully going to build off of that in the future.

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